domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018

Rebajas por el Día de la Mujer 2018

Hola amores!

Con Marzo aquí tenemos el día de la Mujer a la vuelta de la esquina!! Y algo que me encanta es que además de las reivindicaciones que aún tenemos que seguir haciendo es que las webs online como Rosegal se unen a este día ofreciendo numerosos descuentos para esta primavera!

Así que no os perdáis sus divertidos juegos y sus promociones porque podéis encontrar el chollazo del momento para acabar de comprar las últimas prendas del Invierno y empezar con las tendencias de primavera. Aunque yo confieso que pensando en mis vacaciones ya he empezado a mirar bikinis y bañadores!

Confieso que el bikini de flores me tiene enamorada! Aunque este bañador de estampado floral tiene pinta de estilizar mucho!!

Conociaís estos descuentos?

Are you looking for special deals for Women’ s Day?

Lots and big kisses beautiful ladies!

Today I bring to you a very special post. It is so important for me because I believe
in powerful and strong women, like you and me, and one of my favorite online
stores, Rosegal, made a beautiful campaign to support this lovely day: Rosegal
Women’ s Day Special Promotions.

I am sure you are looking for the perfect look Spring but you don’t want to buy
expensive clothes and you need to find special and awesome deals. If I am right,
Rosegal is your solution. To celebrate Women’ s Day, 8 th March, they create a
complete sales campaing! You can see their promotion here and I am going to
explain in this post, step by step, how you can get better discounts.

1.     Calendar and Dates Guide: I don’t want you to miss any of their promotions
so, firstly, I am going to talk about main dates of these sales:

: From 1 st to 6 th March you will have a Massive Sale Preview on Rosegal website. In
these six days you would be able to win free gifts! I am sure I will take a look to it in
order to get free items.

: From 7 th to 9 th March you will have three days to get up to a 80% discount and the
possibility to win $50. Can it be better? Of course, they will have free expedited

: From 10 th to 12 th March be alert! The final 72 hours of Rosegal Women’ s Day Special
Promotions. If you are surprised with the previous sales and discount, these days you
can save even more and enjoy bigger discounts.

2. What do you have to do if you want big coupons?

: You have three different options if you want big coupons:
: To get free big discounts, from 26 th February to 12 th March, you just have to go to
their promotion website and subscribe with your email address. You will be the first
to get 3.8 Mega Sale mystery discount.
: If you shop at Rosegal from 7 th to 9 th March and you sing in for 3 days consecutively,
you will be able to win a $50 gift card.
: Your friends need to know it! If you share this promotion and your friends join and
order you will get free products!

: Play Lucky Draw. This funny game will give you the opportunity to win points,
coupons and free items.

: Look for some keywords on Rosegal and a lot of awesome surprises up to $38 will
wait for you.
: The last thing you need to know if you want big coupons is that you will get them if
you download Rosegal App.

3. What do you have to do if you want best service?

: From 7 th to 9 th March, Rosegal offers to you Free Expedited Shipping over $99 
: From 1 st to 12 th March, their 30 days return warranty will be extended to 45 Days!!
: Rosegal have a 7 days / 24 hours customer service, in order to resolve any of your
problems or doubts.

4. What do you have to do if you want best deals?

They are three different ways to get best deals:
: In this link, if you buy one item you get a 15% off but it will increase if you buy more
items. Buy 3 and you get a 25% off and buy 3 and you get 35% off.
: Another way to save if you buy selected pieces. Buy one and save $2, buy two and
save $6 and buy 3 and save $12.
: And last but not least, you will get two jewelry for free if you buy one dress or you
can buy three pieces under €59 if you go here
I am sure you are excited because these promotions are amazing. To finish my post I
will let you know some of my favorites items (with special deals for sure). I am a
fanatic of swimwear and I think it is the perfect time to buy it cheaper! I chose for
you four of them, but you have A LOT of lovely and awesome pieces.

Bikini. A black bikini is a must have like this Lace up Back Scalloped Bikini.  If you are
a flower fan as me, this Stereo Floral Halter Neck Bikini has to be yours.

One piece swimsuit. As you know, one piece swimsuits are a trend and striped ones
too like this striped Low Cut Thong One piece Swimsuit. If flowers are a must have in
Bikinis, they are also in one piece swimwear like this lovely Floral One Piece Low

Do you love these sales? What items are you going to choose?

Espero que os haya gustado este nuevo trocito de mi blog de moda en Valencia.


6 comentarios:

  1. Wow!! El mes de la mujer es increíble, no sabía que existieran ese tipo de rebajas debido a esto, me parecen geniales, no soy mucho de comprar ropa o accesorios si no los necesito, pero como tip para quien esté buscando o alguien que sí necesite está genial. Gracias por el aporte.

  2. Hola!
    Me ha encantado el post, a mi la web Rosegal siempre me ha parecido con unos precios muy competitivos pero ahora con ese descuento a mayores está genial, me voy a pasar por la web a ver que encuentro.
    Gracias por compartirlo!

  3. Hola guapa. Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotras las rebajas por el día de la mujer, estaba pensando en realizar un pedido en Rosegal porque aún no me he estrenado y creo que es el momento perfecto. Un beso.

  4. Todavía o me he puesto a cotillear las rebajas y ofertas que las tiendas online de moda como Rosegal han activado para el día de la mujer. Me tengo que pasar a echar un vistazo. Por cierto. los bikinis son preciosos. ¡Un beso!

  5. Hola hermosa, me encanta tu selección de trajes de baño, son 4 modelos preciosos tanto los bikinis como los bañadores.. Ya toca ponerse a pensar en el verano e ir viendo alternativas, a ver si echo un ojo a la web, mejor aún si van con descuento. Muaksss

  6. Gracias por compartir con nosotros las rebajas pre . primavera, esta genial la selección de trajes de baño, ideales para las próximas vacaciones de pascua. Definitivo, tenemos que aprovechar las ofertas...a ver que se nos pega
